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  • Writer's pictureNysa Phulwar

The Human Monkey Hybrid- A Fantasy or a Nightmare?

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

From books to films to ancient mythology- human hybrids are a popular theme in

quotidian life. But if we make them a reality? Scientists have successfully created a Human-Monkey 'Chimera'-

in essence, a monkey embryo infused with human stem cells; which lasted for 20 days before being

destroyed. Amazing isn't it? Well, at first glance sure, but when we look at the situation more closely several ethical issues stare right up at us. In this post, I will not be discussing the mechanisms of the research but the practicality and more importantly the morality behind it. Ethics play an important role in the scientific community and they must not be dismissed by us. This research example provides the perfect example, in my opinion, to discuss the ethical implications of scientific research.

Before we delve into principles, let's look at the application of this technique in the world. One aim is to develop organisms while taking out the code for certain organs and seeing how they respond to the same. This will give us a greater understanding of these particular organs. Scientists also aim to produce human organs in other animals, such as monkeys and pigs, to be used for an organ transplant. Great, we are saving lives!

However, aren't chimaera part human? Won't we have to consider their rights as individuals? And when we do consider their rights, will it not be incorrect to subject them to death so that we can live? Forget being human- aren't they living organisms? How can we as humans classify ourselves to be 'higher' than other organisms? The theory of evolution states that all living organisms descended from a common ancestor, so why must we treat them any different? This is something extremely important to think about. On the one hand, we could save millions of lives, on the other who are we to play 'God'? Read more about the Human Monkey Hybrid in the link below, from where this article has been adapted.

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